Monday, March 26, 2012

Statements about language.

Reflect on the following statements about language:
- "Language surrounds us every day and we know how to recognise it"

We're able to listen almost every kind of sound, which we may understand it or not. Here is were we recognize if it's language or just a random combination of sounds, if it's language we'll probably respond towards what's been said and get start a dialogue.

- "A word is one or more sounds that in combination have a specific meaning assigned by the language" 

In the first video we saw in class we were able to see how language i learnt on humans and I think everyone was able to notice the way how the child said water when he was thirsty, at the start he was saying something like "Wa da" and with some practice, patience and time he would reach the correct combination "Water"
so we could say that water is actually a word and "wa da" doesnt mean anything, this is because or language is based on rules when not followed will cause a loss of meaning 

- "The most powerful tool known is the one we use to build every other tool" 

We could say that the most powerful tool known is our hands but, think about this: what if we are not able to speak? or have any way of communication?... It would make our lifes impossibles, we couldn't develop and we'll probably stop growing as a world.

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