The 'KKK' is a extremely racist clan which took racism to the extreme, ending it up as murder, several injuries, etc. Atticus thinks that they dont really matter as long as they dont come back.
2. How does Jem react when Atticus tells him to go home, and why?
Well he didnt reacted at all, he just stayed there trying to protect hes father, because defending a negroe may give bad results to a white.
3. What persuades the lynching-party to give up their attempt on Tom's life?
The innocense of the children made him give up, mainly Scout, this is why Harper chosed an innocent main character such as Scout.
4. What sort of person is Dolphus Raymond and what is your opinion of him?
I think he's not a real character, i mean that he's just false, prettending to make people think that he's drunk so they wont bother him for hangin' out with some negroes... thats just false, not like Atticus who even defends negroes, going against politics.
5. How does Reverend Sykes help the children see and hear the trial? Is he correct in doing so?
He helped the childs understand how prestigeable is the job their father, Atticus, he was very helpful to them, guiding them and giving an space on the balcony so they could see what his father is doing.
6. Choose three quotes from chapter 17. Explain the context of each, the characters involved, and their relevance for the story, themes and overall message of the novel.

-"Didn't call a doctor?" - Atticus
"No sir," repeated Mr Tate.
After that we can see that theres no real proof to get this mockingbird to jail, if they didnt call a doctor how could they say that he was the real raper in this case? It's impossible, refuting every charge said to Tom.

Well its pretty obvious, she was confused and probably accused the wrong person, maybe just a lie to win the trial and avoid looking stupid in front of the perfect society they had in those times... I dont really know, its just suspicious and I'd had supported Tom all the way as the proposition had no real evidence to accuse him of rape.
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