1) What characters are introduced in this chapter?
Georg Koves, Mr Sütó, Annamarie, Georg's Father, Mother and stepmother, Granparents, and other members of his family
2) Choose two characters and select a quote to describe them physically or psychologically.
Mr. Sutó: "Yellowish red light-spots were dancing like busting pustules all over his round, brownish-skinned features with the pencil mustache and the tiny gap between his two broad, white front teeth"(page 6)
Uncle Fleischmann: "a diminutive man of immaculate appeareance, with white hair, ashen skin, owlish spectacles, and a perpetual slightly worried air on his face" (page 23)

3) What is the narrative technique?
Point of view: First person. "I didn't go to school today"
Narration: Indirect "We were already on the upper floor when it occurred to my stepmother that she had forgotten to redeem the bread coupon. I had to go back to the baker's."
Tense: Past (I didn't go to school today)
Speech: Reported The next sentence was again spoken by my father, with something about "goods" that "it would be best" if Mr. Suttó "were to take with him right away"
4) "Describe the setting of this chapter"
The story is set in Budapest, Hungary.
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