Friday, March 15, 2013

TV Commercial

I. Choose a TV ad from an English Speaking Country using the site

I chose this ad because it seemed really nice, the colours and the process makes it look futuristic, aswell it's different from any other alcoholic drink ad, it doesnt just mention the flavor or how good it's, this ad makes you get your own idea about it. Aswell this "ad" doesn't break any policy from the African's advertising policy if any "ad" breaks any of the policies it'd be removed inmediatly from the TV. This "ad" is trying to promote a sofisticated Vodka, known as "SKYY", the commercial was set on their manufactures, but of course the way the commercial shows it isn't even near reality, the commercial is full of good-looking people and showing the process of how SKYY Vodka is made, aswell we can see an attractive blue color everywhere, which really catches our attention,in the commercial we were able to see a lot of good-looking people, all dressed with suits preparing the Vodka with all the processes involved, we can also see a lot of blue Vodka, glasses and bottles.
In the commercial the most interesting thing was how it was made, it was fancy, unusual, great and catchy, you can see alot of nice colours, people filling bottles with ice, a woman scratching the ice, etc. In general words how the Vodka is made. The commercial was made for anyone over 18 years old or 21 in some countries since it's a product for adults. The message is that SKYY Vodka is a sophisticated drink and, because of that you should buy it. We could also notice nice colours, people dressing suit's, and a music that suited perfectly to the video.

In the video we couldn't see any celebrities or known artist. It also respect the policy of the desired country since it doesnt show anything innapropiated and it also mention to drink with moderation.

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