Each effect will be made because of their theme, such as shooting, fantasy, fighting, etc. The stereotypes for example, and the one we can see easily the classic "man stronger than woman", aswell video game addction can be compared to gambling addiction Excessive use of video games may have some or all of the symptoms of drug addiction or other proposed psychological addictions. Some players become more concerned with their interactions in the game than in their broader lives. Players may play many hours per day, neglect personal hygiene, gain or lose significant weight due to playing, disrupt sleep patterns to play resulting insleep deprivation, play at work, find themselves in the middle of nowhere looking into space for a considerable amount of time, avoid phone calls from friends, or lie about how much time they spend playing video games.
Some countries, such as South Korea, China, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States, have responded to the perceived threat of video game addiction by opening treatment centers.
Because few clinical trials and no meta-analyses have been completed, research is still in the preliminary stages for excessive gaming treatment. The most effective treatments seem to be, as with addictions or dependencies, a combination of psychopharmacology, psychotherapy and twelve-step programs.
In conclusion, the use of internet may bring alot of pros, but some not concerned cons, on the internet we're able to search for almost everything, the use of books is no longer needed because of this, and the worst of all is the addiction it may bring to the user which will be growing making a physical need to play a game.
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