Thursday, April 4, 2013

In this entrie, i will analyze the following quote:  

“Advertising is everywhere you look, whether it is in the newspaper you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway. Some people may say that they are not in fact influenced by the advertising that is thrown at them each day, and that they do not fall into it, but everyone does.”

First of all, is obvious, in any hour of the day you're reading, and if you're reading, everything popping out on your mind is making a kind of advertise on it, in any place, at any certain time you will lead to a sign saying "new burger on mcdonalds!" it doesnt even need to have letters to be an advertisement, for example an image of new shoes can mean alot of things, which for everybody will be different, and thats how advertisements come into your head, saying "i need to have those..".

Of course the advertisements just pop on our head, we dont even notice we're being manipulated by industries. That's why we dont even take a minute to think on them, we just read, analyze them, but after a few seconds it's gone and we didnt even notice it. Aswell these advertise cant be made for a general part of the society, they must separate it from man/woman, and any other people needs.

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