Friday, June 7, 2013

Media Manipulation Activity

1. What is Harold Laswell’s Chain of Communication’s Model? This models tries to explain how does the the media manipulation works, in which grade, etc. this is made by answering the following questions: Who(Speaker) -> What(Message) -> Channel(or Medium) -> Whom(audience) = Effect.

 2. What does the theorist Marshall McLuhan’s mean by stating that “the Medium is the Message”? The media decides what we should be informed about, what information doesn't require to be known (Area 51, CIA, etc). This is how the media manipulates us


 3. Refer to Jurgen Habermas’ “Public Sphere as a Platform for Advertising”

The public sphere constantly gives us a lot on information from different topics and different medias, this is why it's almost impossible for people to ignore what they're watching/listening

 4. What is the connection between Self-Presentation & the Celebrity Image?

Celebrities make their self-presentation make themselves more attractive to the

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