Alfred Lord Tennyson's life on Dipity.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Friday, November 8, 2013
Literature: Critical study
Acitivity 8.4: Discussion "Aedh wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" by William Butler Yeats, 1899.
1) Name three qualities that you liked about this poem.

2) Name three aspects that you did not like or didn't understand abut this poem.
Well first of all I didn't liked the rhyming pattern, it's just way too boring to read as it doesn't make any good combination of sounds; other than that I enjoyed the poem.
3) Think of three questions you would ask the poet if you could speak to him.
I would ask if this poem is dedicated to someone, if the answer is yes, then who is that someone. Another thing I would be interested to know is how he got inspired to write it. And last but not least why he chose such a rhyming pattern.
is a fat black woman
walking the fields
pressing a breezed
hibiscus to her cheek
while the sun lights up
her feet
is a fat black woman
riding the waves
drifting the happy oblivion
while the sea turns back
to hug her shape
1) Describe what is literally happening in each line. Try paraphrasing the action that occurs.
The main idea of the first stanza is to describe what beauty is, maybe to contradict the main stereotype of a blue eyed blonde being the image of Beauty. A fat black woman may not be attractive physically but Im guessing that the idea of the author is to say that the beauty it's not only referring to our physical attributes but for the attitude of the person as well.
2) What do you say to the claim that this is a poem about love?
I don't believe that this poem talks about love in any way, Im sure that the main theme of the poem is to talk about the beauty's stigmas and how the society describes and decides what's beautiful and what is not.
3) Comment on the rhyming scheme of the poem. How is it like the sea?
There's a rhyming pattern on the first stanza, but on the second one we're able to see a blank rhyme scheme, I guess this sounds may sound like the sea as the sea makes a noise that can't be repeated, a very particular sound that it's easy to recognise.
Activity 8.6:
For the extracts below state:
1) Wether they are smilies or metaphors
2) What the literal and figurative terms are
3) What is named and/or what is implied
Monday, October 14, 2013
"Crossing the bar" by Alfred Lord Tennyson analysis.
Sunset and evening star
And one clear call for me!
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;
For though from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.

Title: The first thought that popped in my mind after reading the title was that this poem was about accomplishing something, like if you had finished a task or something, as if we would change some aspect of our lives.
Paraphrase: The poem talks about the wishes of the narrator which are to find peace and happiness once he crosses the bar, aswell to find his Pilot, referring to god, and to finally wait for the appropiate moment for his death.
Connotation: Tennyson is waiting for his death, but in this poem he's talking towards death like if it was a good thing, he's waiting for the moment to "cross the bar" which is the moment of crossing from this world to another, and as Tennyson hopes that place is heaven. He aswell mentions that he hopes to see his pilot which is a metaphor of God, or Jesus.
Attitude: The narrator's tone or attitude is hopeful, as he is expecting good things after death.
Shifts: The narrator's attitude stays the same in the whole poem.
Title: The title is a metaphor as crossing the bar would literally mean to arrive somewhere but in this case crossing the bar means to arrive to heaven after dying, or maybe passing out to a better life.
Theme: The theme of the poem is death, how Tennyson is waiting for his moment and how he wishes it to be like.

And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.
Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,

For though from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crossed the bar.

Title: The first thought that popped in my mind after reading the title was that this poem was about accomplishing something, like if you had finished a task or something, as if we would change some aspect of our lives.
Paraphrase: The poem talks about the wishes of the narrator which are to find peace and happiness once he crosses the bar, aswell to find his Pilot, referring to god, and to finally wait for the appropiate moment for his death.
Connotation: Tennyson is waiting for his death, but in this poem he's talking towards death like if it was a good thing, he's waiting for the moment to "cross the bar" which is the moment of crossing from this world to another, and as Tennyson hopes that place is heaven. He aswell mentions that he hopes to see his pilot which is a metaphor of God, or Jesus.
Attitude: The narrator's tone or attitude is hopeful, as he is expecting good things after death.
Shifts: The narrator's attitude stays the same in the whole poem.
Title: The title is a metaphor as crossing the bar would literally mean to arrive somewhere but in this case crossing the bar means to arrive to heaven after dying, or maybe passing out to a better life.
Theme: The theme of the poem is death, how Tennyson is waiting for his moment and how he wishes it to be like.
Friday, October 4, 2013
"The kraken" by Alfred Lord Tennyson analysis
The Kraken
Below the thunders of the upper deep,
Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
About his shadowy sides: above him swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
There hath he lain for ages and will lie
Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep,
Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;
Then once by men and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.
T: By first looking at the title the first idea that pops out on our mind is the image of a tremendous creature with the look of an octopus, aswell we can instantly make an idea that the poem is going to talk about how this creature strikes and stalks boats and ships with his mighty giant size!
The structure of verses in "The Kraken" is an iambic pentameter.
P: In the first verses Tennyson refers to where the Kraken is located at, in the deeper sea where the thunders hit. In the next verse the author talks about the Kraken's sleep which keeps him calmed and on a "peaceful" state. Afterwards we can see the description of the Kraken, talking about his huge tentacles, describing his polyps, etc.
C: In my opinion the connotation of this poem is death, the kraken being a representation of something that's dead. For example when the persona says "dreamless, uninvaded sleep" that could be represented as the death of a person.
A: The attitude of the persona on this poem is mainly mysterious, this is because trying to describe the Kraken requires a different tone, a tone that will make us, the readers, fear this mighty creature.
S: There're no shifts present on this poem.
T: I think the title remains pretty much literal, it's a simple title to give us the idea of what the poem is going to talk about..
T: The theme of the poem is the description of an ancient creature known as "The Kraken"
Below the thunders of the upper deep,
Far far beneath in the abysmal sea,
His ancient, dreamless, uninvaded sleep
The Kraken sleepeth: faintest sunlights flee
About his shadowy sides: above him swell
Huge sponges of millennial growth and height;
And far away into the sickly light,
From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
There hath he lain for ages and will lie
Battening upon huge seaworms in his sleep,
Until the latter fire shall heat the deep;
Then once by men and angels to be seen,
In roaring he shall rise and on the surface die.
T: By first looking at the title the first idea that pops out on our mind is the image of a tremendous creature with the look of an octopus, aswell we can instantly make an idea that the poem is going to talk about how this creature strikes and stalks boats and ships with his mighty giant size!
The structure of verses in "The Kraken" is an iambic pentameter.
P: In the first verses Tennyson refers to where the Kraken is located at, in the deeper sea where the thunders hit. In the next verse the author talks about the Kraken's sleep which keeps him calmed and on a "peaceful" state. Afterwards we can see the description of the Kraken, talking about his huge tentacles, describing his polyps, etc.
C: In my opinion the connotation of this poem is death, the kraken being a representation of something that's dead. For example when the persona says "dreamless, uninvaded sleep" that could be represented as the death of a person.
A: The attitude of the persona on this poem is mainly mysterious, this is because trying to describe the Kraken requires a different tone, a tone that will make us, the readers, fear this mighty creature.
S: There're no shifts present on this poem.
T: I think the title remains pretty much literal, it's a simple title to give us the idea of what the poem is going to talk about..
T: The theme of the poem is the description of an ancient creature known as "The Kraken"
Friday, September 27, 2013
Poem Analysis: Daddy's day.
Daddy's Day
Cheryl Costello
"My Daddy couldn't be here,
because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be,
since this is such a special day.
And though you cannot meet him,
I wanted you to know.
All about my daddy,
and how much he loves me so.
He loved to tell me stories
he taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with red roses,
and taught me to fly a kite.
We used to share fudge sundaes,
and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him,
I'm not standing here alone.
"Cause my daddy's always with me,
even though we are apart
I know because he told me,
he'll forever be in my heart"
With that, her little hand reached up,
and lay across her chest.
Feeling her own heartbeat,
beneath her favorite dress.
And when she dropped her hand back down,
staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft,
but its message clear and loud.
"I love my daddy very much, he's my shining star.
And if he could, he'd be here,
but heaven's just too far."
This is a poem written by Cheryl Costello and in this extract we're able to see 8 stanzas and 32 verses, on it we can find different rethorycal devices such as rhyme, rhyme is present on verses 2-4, 14-16, 17-19, 18-20, 30-32. On the first stanza we have a trimeter feet, on the second stanza we have a dimeter feet, in the third stanza we are able to identify a trimeter feet, as well we have a trimeter feet on the fourth stanza, in the fifth one we have a trimeter stanza and as well on the sixth and seventh stanza. This extract has a structure of 7 stanzas of 4 verses each.
"My Daddy couldn't be here,
because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be,
since this is such a special day.
And though you cannot meet him,
I wanted you to know.
All about my daddy,
and how much he loves me so.
He loved to tell me stories
he taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with red roses,
and taught me to fly a kite.
We used to share fudge sundaes,
and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him,
I'm not standing here alone.
"Cause my daddy's always with me,
even though we are apart
I know because he told me,
he'll forever be in my heart"
With that, her little hand reached up,
and lay across her chest.
Feeling her own heartbeat,
beneath her favorite dress.
And when she dropped her hand back down,
staring straight into the crowd.
She finished with a voice so soft,
but its message clear and loud.
"I love my daddy very much, he's my shining star.
And if he could, he'd be here,
but heaven's just too far."
This is a poem written by Cheryl Costello and in this extract we're able to see 8 stanzas and 32 verses, on it we can find different rethorycal devices such as rhyme, rhyme is present on verses 2-4, 14-16, 17-19, 18-20, 30-32. On the first stanza we have a trimeter feet, on the second stanza we have a dimeter feet, in the third stanza we are able to identify a trimeter feet, as well we have a trimeter feet on the fourth stanza, in the fifth one we have a trimeter stanza and as well on the sixth and seventh stanza. This extract has a structure of 7 stanzas of 4 verses each.
Friday, September 6, 2013
3 Written task: Jayne's diary entry.
Dear diary, day 1:
I was finally getting close to Mr. Rochester, everything was running well; despite of my previous thoughts and prejudices towards Mr. Rochester he was able to get into my heart. Now everything is spoilt, all the hope I had and my closest approach to Mr. Rochester are now ruined.
But how a gentlemen such as Mr. Rochester would prefer a deceiver, poor woman as me, there's just no way to compare someone like me with a high class person, like Blanche is. However now that he's gone for a week or so I'll have time to think about my feelings towards him, are they real? when did they started to blossom? I just feel misunderstanded and somehow an unrequited love, but how wouldn't it be an unrequited love? just by comparing my own portrait to her's I could see the discrepancy available just at the sense of our eyes, and that's how I am, in fact, a quite dissapointed person right now, the way he left after myself saving him from the abrupt fire is nonsense, and how worst it is if he leaves with Blanche Ingram, after asking me "Miss Eyre, do you find my handsome?" I still remember it perfectly and it makes my anger grow enough, after asking that, what would him expect? the most rational thing would be for me to think he likes me, but I can't realize why, is he playing with my feelings? Im so confused about all this feelings and i guess this will stay as this until he cames back from that party.
Dear diary, day 2:
Today Mr. Rochester arrived at Thornfield, Im yet really dissapointed to him, there's no possible way to understand why Mr. Rochester would act with those kinds of manners, knowing he's a gentleman, anyways he wasn't this time. Now my relation with Mr. Rochester is distant, I dont find any hope on this love anymore. He's acting really weird, I can't determine why he's acting this way, without even talking to me directly, maybe he isn't interested in a governess like me and would probably prefer some high class woman, yes, maybe that's the answer, this love might be forbidden and I shouldn't try to have this love affair with him and just continue with my things, but it's just dissapointing to have such a good relation and from one second to another make this good relation become into a real image of what misery is.
Dear diary, day 3:
A man came today, his name is Richard Mason, I didn't like him at the first time I saw him, the vacant in his eyes and his slowness is displeasing. A gypsy came today to check the guest's fortune, Blanche went first and once she came back she had a face full of dissapointment, after all if she married Mr. Rochester it wouldn't been a "love" marriage, just once based on the social status, Mr. Rochester would marry her for her beuty and she would marry him for his money. Eventually it was my turn to see my fortune with the gypsy. She told me I was pretty close to happiness, but then I found out that the gypsy was Mr. Rochester which actually surprised me since Blanche came out with that face of dissapointment, so I ask myself what did Mr. Rochester tell her?
at the very first time I thought the gypsy was Grace but no, it was Mr. Rochester, but how come? why would Rochester do this kind of childish acts, the most logical explanation I can get is that he wants to play with my feelings, or in the case he loves me he is affraid of declaring his love to me, but no, that's imposible, I keep asking myself why would he love me, Im just a governess, he is a high class person, he's not suppoused to propose at a poor slave woman like myself, so this is getting really stressing. I just want to get things clear, I think it's time to ask him what he really feels about us.
In the night Mr. Rochester knocked the door and asked me wether if im or not afraid of blood, I was really curious on that question and I was wondering why would he ask something like that in the middle of the night, I first had this awkward feeling of fear combined with a sensation of shyness, after all this feelings acting together I answered that I wasn't afraid of blood, he took my hand and took me through the hallway to Mason's room, he had been stabbed in his arm, I was schocked at the first time since I didn't knew who would do this kind of things, but then I remembered what happened some nights ago and it kind of gave me an idea of what was it. I wounded his injury and walked out of the room, I still wonder what is wrong with this house and what is behind that "gentlemen's look" that Rochester has.
The content of this task is specially connected to Text and Context, bringing an analysis of Jane Eyre's feeling and deep emotions of her with Mr. Rochester, with this task I intended to imitate Jane's way of talking and thinking, using a diary entry format was the best text type to go with, since it brings us a good way of expressing the characters feelings on a creative manner and as well give the audience another perspective of the main character of the novel and maybe give them a different criteria of how Jane was acting and why. On this written task I was able to go with different topics such as feelings, historical context, and as well making it viable for almost every audience, in particular people with interest on this novel. My purpose on this task was to explain on a better method how Jane feelings made her feel uncomfortable during her stay at Thornfield and also explain the problems on the Victorian era, such as prejudice and money arrangements which made Jane have all this confusion with Mr. Rochester. This is how I explained the way context influenced Jane on her feelings and way of acting within her environment.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Reflections and chapters 5,6,7,8.
This video shows how students were treaten in the school, punishment as a way of education is forbidden, it may be the best way to educate a child in terms of success but it leaves a trail on the person's life which may affect them later on.
1) Imagine that you are falsely accused of stealing someone’s wallet at school. Your accuser is a credible witness, believed by your peers. Do you insist on your innocence and try to prove it? Do you confront your accuser? How do you live with the disapproval of your peers? Is the knowledge of your innocence enough to sustain you? Write a reflection statement referring to these questions.
Who nothing does, nothing fears. That would be my argument. Of course I would try to prove mi innocent and if no one trusts in my innocence I wouldn't care, I know that my consiousness is clean.
2) What is your opinion of Mr Brocklehurst’s philosophy of education?
It may work but I insist, it affects psychologically on a long-term timeline of our lives, clearly it changes our perspective, leaving fear on us, and educating with fear could work, but that fear would only work with the one producing it, not on everybody.
3) Compare Jayne Eyre to other mistreated heroines from children’s stories (Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White). Knowing that Jane Eyre is the novel that broke many rules about how a mistreated heroine should act, compare and contrast them to Jane.
Jayne is bullied constantly and there's no prince yet to save her, if we want to compare Jayne to this princess first we can tell, she's not from the royalty, she's left alone by her parents. As a second perspective we can tell that she has to endure the bullying by leaving the house and thrive this herself.
1983 Film adaptation and Questions chapter 3-4-5
1) What liberties do you think de director took in adapting the novel into a film?
The director can adapt the novel as he wants to, highligting whatever he pleases , excluding some things that ocurred in the novel and adding new events or even change the way events took place in the novel.
2) What criticism can you offer to the portrayal of Victorian Times presented in the film?
Well first of all and a theme we need to talk about is the abuse in the social structure, the high culture abused a lot from the low culture, just like the Reed's with Jayne, aswell how money was so important back then and just the fact of having money would grant you different traits and rights.
3) In a contemporary context, how would society manage the constant abuse and bullying against a child within the heart of his/her family?
The only way is with the rights child have, aswell as human rights but there's no way to stop this, there will always exists cases of abuse and bullying within family or schoolmates.
Chapter 3-4-5
1) How would you describe the relationship between Jane and Mr. Lloyd? How do you think this affects her?
Mr's Lloyd kindness is very helpful to Jayne constant bullying physically and psychologically, one of her few reasons to stay there, but still not enough kindness compared to all the harassment from the Reed's.
2) How did Jane's character changed in her confrontation with both Mr. Brocklehurst and Mrs. Reed?
After Mrs. Reed comment about she gets really irritated, but afterwards she manages to tell Mr. Brocklehurst the truth about her dark childhood.
3) What is your first perception of Lowood School? What do you predict for Jane's future at Lowood?
We can tell that life there is tough, even Jayne noticed that after her first day there, bad food which led to unfed students, no water, etc. I could tell that she will have a bad time at Lowood, but with friendship she will be able to have better time rather than on Gateshead.

In search of the Brönte's
1) Who is said to have influenced the sister's lives and WHY?
Their father changed their minds to become writers, just because they were young and they would listen to him, yet, he wanted them to succeed.
2) What tragedy struck the Brönte Family?
The death of both sister and mother, which led to a depression on the Father.
3) What's the Brönte's father's background?
He was a smart person, he studied at Cambridge. He had a rich family oh the high culture.
4) How is it said that Emily Brönte coped with homesickness?
Her poems were the way of expressing herself.
5) What is Haworth described like in the times the Bröntes lived there?
The gothic movement was on it's peak, the most of the buildings were like this. Aswell the Industrial Revolution was being worked out back then.
6) What's the current theme on Charlotte's writing (based on her experience as a child)?
The main themes on Charlotte's writings are passion and horror, the horror is justified on her childhood expressing her feels after the death of her mother through her writing.
7) How did Brönte father try to salvage the situation with his family after his wife's death?
He was looking for an image to his daughters, a mother who would show what he wanted them to become in the future, he tried it out with 3 different womans.
Their father changed their minds to become writers, just because they were young and they would listen to him, yet, he wanted them to succeed.
2) What tragedy struck the Brönte Family?
The death of both sister and mother, which led to a depression on the Father.

He was a smart person, he studied at Cambridge. He had a rich family oh the high culture.
4) How is it said that Emily Brönte coped with homesickness?
Her poems were the way of expressing herself.
5) What is Haworth described like in the times the Bröntes lived there?
The gothic movement was on it's peak, the most of the buildings were like this. Aswell the Industrial Revolution was being worked out back then.
6) What's the current theme on Charlotte's writing (based on her experience as a child)?
The main themes on Charlotte's writings are passion and horror, the horror is justified on her childhood expressing her feels after the death of her mother through her writing.
7) How did Brönte father try to salvage the situation with his family after his wife's death?

Image Analysis: Charlotte Brönte's Landscapes

All this images gives us a perspective of Jayne Eyre's context and I could tell, in some sort of way, Jayne's hopes.

Monday, July 29, 2013
Written Task 1
Jeremy Jone's Lifestyle and More.
Jeremy is a professional snowboarder most known for big mountain free riding. Jeremy has as well his own snowboard line and lot's of movies of his adventures climbing and riding mountains. He, as you may know is sponsored by O'Neill and some other brands, Jeremy as well is a really old snowboarder, with 37 years old being still on track you can tell he's one of the pro's. Today Jeremy is going to explain us a lot of things about snowboarding and some part of his personal life.
First of all I would like to ask you, How and Why did you start snowboarding?
Everything started when I was about 9 years old, I was living on England back then and a lot of friends of mine used to ride. After some time I bought my very first snowboard on which I started riding, and since the first time I went down hill I knew snowboarding was gonna be my call, that's how my heart got hooked forever.
Jeremy have you ever thought or tried any other extreme sport?
No, I haven't tried any other sport but for Snowboarding, it's just that this sports full-fills my needs in every single way, economically, emotionally and physically. That's why I don't want to stop doing snowboarding, it's what I love and wouldn't change for everything. Although I have thought on doing other sports but yet I haven't tried them, it's like starting all over again on a different field.
What's the difference between Snowboards and Sandboards?
Well, I guess not much haha, it's basically the same perhaps snow is more dense than sand, this makes snowboarding sort of easier, and I can't bear with high temperatures. But snowboarding has it cons as well, to deal with all the cold we have to wear lots of clothes and such, it's stressing...
What do you spend your free time on?
On my free time I like to spend time with my wife and daughter, but free time doesn't mean no snowboarding for me, it's just a time to relax on Truckee while going to Squaw Valley so my wife and daughters can ride with me.
What's your favourite place to ride?
Alaska mainly, after riding for some years I decided to start doing big mountain free riding and the best place was Alaska, that's why I decided to go there and now I think that I'm going to stay for some time riding there, well at least until I find a better place, which is not going to happen.
Do you enjoy doing movies? Which one's your favourite and why?
Yeah, actually I love showing to my fans all the stuff me and my team does to record such things, it's not easy but the results are awesome. I think my favourite one is Soul Purpose because it shows the best parts of snowboarding, in that movie we put much of effort to show the audience that we're here just because of love towards the sport, because we as riders have snowboarding as a soul purpose and not as a money gain activity.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Image analysis
This ironic image tells us that we do not receive full information by the media, we just receive what they think is better for us to know, and what is not. We don't get full updates on terrorism, clandestine clans, etc. We just know the usual what will not make a disorder on society, this is why the media is a complete lie.
Media Manipulation Activity
1. What is Harold Laswell’s Chain of Communication’s Model?
This models tries to explain how does the the media manipulation works, in which grade, etc. this is made by answering the following questions:
Who(Speaker) -> What(Message) -> Channel(or Medium) -> Whom(audience) = Effect.

2. What does the theorist Marshall McLuhan’s mean by stating that “the Medium is the Message”? The media decides what we should be informed about, what information doesn't require to be known (Area 51, CIA, etc). This is how the media manipulates us

3. Refer to Jurgen Habermas’ “Public Sphere as a Platform for Advertising”
The public sphere constantly gives us a lot on information from different topics and different medias, this is why it's almost impossible for people to ignore what they're watching/listening
4. What is the connection between Self-Presentation & the Celebrity Image?
Celebrities make their self-presentation make themselves more attractive to the

2. What does the theorist Marshall McLuhan’s mean by stating that “the Medium is the Message”? The media decides what we should be informed about, what information doesn't require to be known (Area 51, CIA, etc). This is how the media manipulates us

3. Refer to Jurgen Habermas’ “Public Sphere as a Platform for Advertising”
The public sphere constantly gives us a lot on information from different topics and different medias, this is why it's almost impossible for people to ignore what they're watching/listening
4. What is the connection between Self-Presentation & the Celebrity Image?
Celebrities make their self-presentation make themselves more attractive to the
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Loneliness brought from videogames addiction
Technollogy has advanced a lot during the last years, for almost every school task we use internet and if we want to have some fun, aswell, internet. This makes internet one of the most time consuming things we use, since we need it a lot for the mentioned tasks
This kind of use of technology seems to be really optimal, but everything has it pros and cons, computers may bring a huge fun to the user, there are millions of gamers around the world, wasting their time on games, facebook and anyother social network, this is a problem which can't be fixed since addicted people use at minimum 3 hours a day to play games so if the user is not able to play, he will not know what to do as a time spending activity. Social skills are lost upon gaming, and this is something you can't really teach because it's just nature therefore people addicted to games will be suffering through a good loneliness in their lives which may turn into depression. Eventually the user will be needing a daily dosis of gaming increasing this depression and the incomming effects which are agresiveness, stereotyping.
Each effect will be made because of their theme, such as shooting, fantasy, fighting, etc. The stereotypes for example, and the one we can see easily the classic "man stronger than woman", aswell video game addction can be compared to gambling addiction Excessive use of video games may have some or all of the symptoms of drug addiction or other proposed psychological addictions. Some players become more concerned with their interactions in the game than in their broader lives. Players may play many hours per day, neglect personal hygiene, gain or lose significant weight due to playing, disrupt sleep patterns to play resulting insleep deprivation, play at work, find themselves in the middle of nowhere looking into space for a considerable amount of time, avoid phone calls from friends, or lie about how much time they spend playing video games.
In conclusion, the use of internet may bring alot of pros, but some not concerned cons, on the internet we're able to search for almost everything, the use of books is no longer needed because of this, and the worst of all is the addiction it may bring to the user which will be growing making a physical need to play a game.

Each effect will be made because of their theme, such as shooting, fantasy, fighting, etc. The stereotypes for example, and the one we can see easily the classic "man stronger than woman", aswell video game addction can be compared to gambling addiction Excessive use of video games may have some or all of the symptoms of drug addiction or other proposed psychological addictions. Some players become more concerned with their interactions in the game than in their broader lives. Players may play many hours per day, neglect personal hygiene, gain or lose significant weight due to playing, disrupt sleep patterns to play resulting insleep deprivation, play at work, find themselves in the middle of nowhere looking into space for a considerable amount of time, avoid phone calls from friends, or lie about how much time they spend playing video games.
Some countries, such as South Korea, China, the Netherlands, Canada, and the United States, have responded to the perceived threat of video game addiction by opening treatment centers.
Because few clinical trials and no meta-analyses have been completed, research is still in the preliminary stages for excessive gaming treatment. The most effective treatments seem to be, as with addictions or dependencies, a combination of psychopharmacology, psychotherapy and twelve-step programs.
In conclusion, the use of internet may bring alot of pros, but some not concerned cons, on the internet we're able to search for almost everything, the use of books is no longer needed because of this, and the worst of all is the addiction it may bring to the user which will be growing making a physical need to play a game.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
In this entrie, i will analyze the following quote:
“Advertising is everywhere you look, whether it is in the newspaper you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway. Some people may say that they are not in fact influenced by the advertising that is thrown at them each day, and that they do not fall into it, but everyone does.”
First of all, is obvious, in any hour of the day you're reading, and if you're reading, everything popping out on your mind is making a kind of advertise on it, in any place, at any certain time you will lead to a sign saying "new burger on mcdonalds!" it doesnt even need to have letters to be an advertisement, for example an image of new shoes can mean alot of things, which for everybody will be different, and thats how advertisements come into your head, saying "i need to have those..".
Of course the advertisements just pop on our head, we dont even notice we're being manipulated by industries. That's why we dont even take a minute to think on them, we just read, analyze them, but after a few seconds it's gone and we didnt even notice it. Aswell these advertise cant be made for a general part of the society, they must separate it from man/woman, and any other people needs.
“Advertising is everywhere you look, whether it is in the newspaper you pick up daily or on that billboard you see while driving down the highway. Some people may say that they are not in fact influenced by the advertising that is thrown at them each day, and that they do not fall into it, but everyone does.”

Friday, March 22, 2013
Friday, March 15, 2013
TV Commercial
I. Choose a TV ad from an English Speaking Country using the site
I chose this ad because it seemed really nice, the colours and the process makes it look futuristic, aswell it's different from any other alcoholic drink ad, it doesnt just mention the flavor or how good it's, this ad makes you get your own idea about it. Aswell this "ad" doesn't break any policy from the African's advertising policy if any "ad" breaks any of the policies it'd be removed inmediatly from the TV. This "ad" is trying to promote a sofisticated Vodka, known as "SKYY", the commercial was set on their manufactures, but of course the way the commercial shows it isn't even near reality, the commercial is full of good-looking people and showing the process of how SKYY Vodka is made, aswell we can see an attractive blue color everywhere, which really catches our attention,in the commercial we were able to see a lot of good-looking people, all dressed with suits preparing the Vodka with all the processes involved, we can also see a lot of blue Vodka, glasses and bottles.
In the commercial the most interesting thing was how it was made, it was fancy, unusual, great and catchy, you can see alot of nice colours, people filling bottles with ice, a woman scratching the ice, etc. In general words how the Vodka is made. The commercial was made for anyone over 18 years old or 21 in some countries since it's a product for adults. The message is that SKYY Vodka is a sophisticated drink and, because of that you should buy it. We could also notice nice colours, people dressing suit's, and a music that suited perfectly to the video.
In the video we couldn't see any celebrities or known artist. It also respect the policy of the desired country since it doesnt show anything innapropiated and it also mention to drink with moderation.
In the video we couldn't see any celebrities or known artist. It also respect the policy of the desired country since it doesnt show anything innapropiated and it also mention to drink with moderation.
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