Monday, March 26, 2012

Dr Deb Roy activity

1. Which is the 'trick' (process) that enables us to communicate something to others?
Language is like a puzzle, we have more than thousands of options just in one sentence, the trick is to use the right combination of sounds to create words, then combine the words to create sentences and then sentences to get sense and eventually express ourselves.

2. Do animals talk? If not, What do they do to communicate?
Animals don't talk, this doesnt mean that they dont communicate, they do just in a different way which is different in every case of animal such as barks for dogs, roars for tigers, etc. Animals communicate they needs, when they need help or for calling the attention of other members of the group. For example Hienas have a way to tell when they find a possible target to chase which is a kind of laugh.

3. What do we express when we talk?
We express our feelings, needs and thoughts.

4. What did Dr Deb Roy try to achieve in his house?
He was trying to analyze the language at first learning steps and how we develop it within time.

5. Which are the earliest stages in language for a child?

The earliest stage is babbling, which is a way children try to say a word but they cant use a good combination to achieve meaning.

6. What external and internal factors made the data recollected in the experiment into something they could use?

When the child tried to say Water he failed many times with wrong combinations such as Wa dle, etc. but with time he was changing combinations and after 2 weeks he was able to say Water, we could also see a repetition of words from the parents so their child would learn the words they wanted to.

7. How did the parent's speech change from their son's first word until he could utter more complex structures?

We could see that the parents didnt use complex sentences and repeated the words alot, but after the child learned some words they started to spoke normally

8. What does Dr Deb Roy compare the "blossoming" of a speech form?

He means to the blossoming of a flower.

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