Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The History of Language

The History of Language
1. Why is it said that people in East Africa developed more than the rest?
-This was because they spread their language in a better way that other communities which made it more developed.

2. What happened to the earlier languages on Earth?
-The other languages kept in the past because of the constant change of language and the evolution we're always in.
3. According to Dr Johanna Nichols, what were the first utterances made by Humans?
-Dr Johanna Nichols said that the first utterances were sounds refering to a certain object.

Language: Constant Change
1. What is the biblical story of "the Tower of Babel"?
-This story talks about a community which tried to make a Tower high enough to reach the sky; god punished them giving them different languages so they had to spread in groups.

2. What does historical evidence tell us of this biblical event?
-Nowadays we can see a lot of languages and that they are situated on different places, like spanish in south america. This tell us that the story may be true according to what it says.

3. What's the relationship between genes and language?
-Well, genes is not the right word to relate with language, mainly because they have nothing to do together and language is more geography based.

4. Why do languages constantly change?
-Because we're in a development and the words we say can be manipulated for us to be easier to say.

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