Sunday, April 22, 2012

How we study Literature?

1. From all the approaches we studied today, with which one do you feel more comfortable? Which one was the most difficult to understand?.
-I feel more comfortable with the Marxism (Marxism: All texts have subtexts that are related, in some way, with something that happens it the real world), because it talks about the real world.

2. Think you will teach one of the approaches to a 6th grader. How would you make it easier for him to understand? How would you teach it? Pick the one approach you like the most.
Well according to the marxism I would explain it with bunnies!, or whatever to catch up his attention then I would say that from that bunnie more bunnies appear wich would be his childs and that marxism tries to explain almost the same, that from one text you can get more sub-texts.

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