Sunday, April 22, 2012

Oral Presentation: "What is culture"?

Today we had to choose a Topic related to what we saw in class and me and Mr. Jeria decided to talk about "what is culture", a pretty hard topic, because even the definitions of culture may vary between one culture and another, so we took information from different sources.

We decided to make an Oral Presentation as neither he or me are good at acting haha, I presented 3 differents definition of culture:
-Excellence in fine arts and humanities (high culture).
-An integratted pattern of human thought, belief and behaviour that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought and social learning.
-The set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution, organization, or group.

In my opinion I really enjoyed this activity because I learnt alot i didnt knew about Culture and what my classmates presented. I think our topic was really good because culture these days is being debated alot.

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