Monday, April 23, 2012

Analysing Images

This image is pretty deep, we can see how famine has evolved in Africa and how they need our help, but it's not an easy task to do, people are starving to death and theres still problems in Somalia with the militia,   although ONU is trying hard along with many internet pages that ask for donations which are used for helping however this isn't enough as we can see but is helping still, a the biggest drought on Africa is taking place these days which is making the plantation of crops super-hard and making the base of African's food die which is a big problem these days, but recently we have seen a new character "Joseph Kony" which is abusing, killing innocent people. But this image can reflect the comparison of white and black people, which we've been affecting within time, racism has always being a problem to razes such as the black people with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Nazi's, etc.