Sunday, April 22, 2012

What is Literature?

We all think that we know what literature is, and if we ask what it is people will probably laugh, but cmon' do we really know what literature is?... people have different ideas of what it is some of them say that is everything Written, others say that it is related to novels, poems... there's an extended list of people thoughts about Literature but according to Wikipedia Literature is:

-"the art of written work, and is not confined to published sources (although, under some circumstances, unpublished sources can also be exempt). The word literature literally means "acquaintance with letters"

And according to

-"writings in which expression and form, in connection withideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristicor essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography,and essays".

But what about Oral Literuature, because if we're presenting about any topic we are talking about the "universal interest" that Dictonary mentioned, is Oral Literature the same than Literature? No, they're differents expressions of Literature but Literature is defined as the art of Writting.

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