Sunday, April 22, 2012

Class Debate!

Well, as member of the debate team I found this activity quite fun and interesting, a different way of learning is always accepted. "Humans are born with an ability to create language" vs"Language is a learnt construct like the rules governing a sport".

I had to defended the motion: "Language is a learnt construct like the rules governing a sport", I worked in a group of two, me and Mr. Labra vs. Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Romeu, both teams did really good at the debate, however the second motion was a bit harder to defend and the first one but we managed to get some good and clear arguments and make the debate entertaining, our strongest argument was: "When we are childs we learn language to ask for things, express ourselves such as in the video the kid saying "wadaa" for water", this shows that we are not born with the ability to create language we get in time, practicing and talking.

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