Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Boo Radley's secret diary

Day 1: Today as I woke up I saw that the 'Finches' and a random guy I've never seen before were playing, they seem to be so interested on meeting me and making me go out to the world, i just cant... I mean its so hard to go out and face people again after what my father has done with me, what would people think about me? i've wasted a lot of years just being here in my house doing nothing. Today they also tried to lure me out, haha they had a rod and they putted it on the window, after some time i had to scare them.

Day 2: Today i was able to saw a huge thing going on, and i hate to say it but i enjoyed it, long time i didnt saw something impressing, Ms. Maudie's house burned down and I had to run outside and cover 'Lil' Scout with a blanket so she wouldn't get burnt, well im glad everything went well and no one got harmed, im still feeling bad for poor Ms. Maudie, pheraps wasnt that angry, or sad.

Day 3: Today it was a nice day here in Maycomb, i could see lots of kids running thru' the streets on costumes, such as hams, everything haha, it just makes me think of the good old days, when i was just a kid, a happy one, before the incident with my father, i just hate to lose everything just for some mistakes I've made, i would like to go out and enjoy but i cant.

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