Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Help Analysis

1. In your own words, write what was meant by "separate but equal." How did people in Jackson, Mississippi - including the ladies of the Junior League in "The Help" - try to apply this principle?

Well its just a very true phrase, blacks and whites are separate but equal as they are all humans, but they are separated because of the pre-judges and all. Of course they cant be together because in thos times there was a huge problem in the society so if you were seen with a negro, good bye reputation.

2. Do a simple online research about Jim Crow Laws. Identify what outcomes - forced upon domestic workers - were present in "The Help".

Jim Crow Laws may be appreciated through all the movie. As this laws was working between 1876 and 1965, the times of the movie include some of their commands. Which made blacks look like slaves.

3. Explore the themes in "The Help" and develop your ideas by continuing the following sentence:
"The maids in The Help took a risk by telling their stories. Even though they knew they could be shot to death in their front yards, they went ahead with the project. If people are not willing to take risks, they will never solve their problems".

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