Friday, September 6, 2013

3 Written task: Jayne's diary entry.

Dear diary, day 1: I was finally getting close to Mr. Rochester, everything was running well; despite of my previous thoughts and prejudices towards Mr. Rochester he was able to get into my heart. Now everything is spoilt, all the hope I had and my closest approach to Mr. Rochester are now ruined. But how a gentlemen such as Mr. Rochester would prefer a deceiver, poor woman as me, there's just no way to compare someone like me with a high class person, like Blanche is. However now that he's gone for a week or so I'll have time to think about my feelings towards him, are they real? when did they started to blossom? I just feel misunderstanded and somehow an unrequited love, but how wouldn't it be an unrequited love? just by comparing my own portrait to her's I could see the discrepancy available just at the sense of our eyes, and that's how I am, in fact, a quite dissapointed person right now, the way he left after myself saving him from the abrupt fire is nonsense, and how worst it is if he leaves with Blanche Ingram, after asking me "Miss Eyre, do you find my handsome?" I still remember it perfectly and it makes my anger grow enough, after asking that, what would him expect? the most rational thing would be for me to think he likes me, but I can't realize why, is he playing with my feelings? Im so confused about all this feelings and i guess this will stay as this until he cames back from that party. Dear diary, day 2: Today Mr. Rochester arrived at Thornfield, Im yet really dissapointed to him, there's no possible way to understand why Mr. Rochester would act with those kinds of manners, knowing he's a gentleman, anyways he wasn't this time. Now my relation with Mr. Rochester is distant, I dont find any hope on this love anymore. He's acting really weird, I can't determine why he's acting this way, without even talking to me directly, maybe he isn't interested in a governess like me and would probably prefer some high class woman, yes, maybe that's the answer, this love might be forbidden and I shouldn't try to have this love affair with him and just continue with my things, but it's just dissapointing to have such a good relation and from one second to another make this good relation become into a real image of what misery is. Dear diary, day 3: A man came today, his name is Richard Mason, I didn't like him at the first time I saw him, the vacant in his eyes and his slowness is displeasing. A gypsy came today to check the guest's fortune, Blanche went first and once she came back she had a face full of dissapointment, after all if she married Mr. Rochester it wouldn't been a "love" marriage, just once based on the social status, Mr. Rochester would marry her for her beuty and she would marry him for his money. Eventually it was my turn to see my fortune with the gypsy. She told me I was pretty close to happiness, but then I found out that the gypsy was Mr. Rochester which actually surprised me since Blanche came out with that face of dissapointment, so I ask myself what did Mr. Rochester tell her? at the very first time I thought the gypsy was Grace but no, it was Mr. Rochester, but how come? why would Rochester do this kind of childish acts, the most logical explanation I can get is that he wants to play with my feelings, or in the case he loves me he is affraid of declaring his love to me, but no, that's imposible, I keep asking myself why would he love me, Im just a governess, he is a high class person, he's not suppoused to propose at a poor slave woman like myself, so this is getting really stressing. I just want to get things clear, I think it's time to ask him what he really feels about us. In the night Mr. Rochester knocked the door and asked me wether if im or not afraid of blood, I was really curious on that question and I was wondering why would he ask something like that in the middle of the night, I first had this awkward feeling of fear combined with a sensation of shyness, after all this feelings acting together I answered that I wasn't afraid of blood, he took my hand and took me through the hallway to Mason's room, he had been stabbed in his arm, I was schocked at the first time since I didn't knew who would do this kind of things, but then I remembered what happened some nights ago and it kind of gave me an idea of what was it. I wounded his injury and walked out of the room, I still wonder what is wrong with this house and what is behind that "gentlemen's look" that Rochester has. The content of this task is specially connected to Text and Context, bringing an analysis of Jane Eyre's feeling and deep emotions of her with Mr. Rochester, with this task I intended to imitate Jane's way of talking and thinking, using a diary entry format was the best text type to go with, since it brings us a good way of expressing the characters feelings on a creative manner and as well give the audience another perspective of the main character of the novel and maybe give them a different criteria of how Jane was acting and why. On this written task I was able to go with different topics such as feelings, historical context, and as well making it viable for almost every audience, in particular people with interest on this novel. My purpose on this task was to explain on a better method how Jane feelings made her feel uncomfortable during her stay at Thornfield and also explain the problems on the Victorian era, such as prejudice and money arrangements which made Jane have all this confusion with Mr. Rochester. This is how I explained the way context influenced Jane on her feelings and way of acting within her environment.

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