Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Language without limits analyze

I totally support the whole idea of this text because it's completely right according to myself, by the fact that it uses the language variations as a 'sign of resilency and creativity'. It take into concideration a lot of examples of Arabizi's and Hindi's which most are from Canada, but more further than the examples of the variations the author is trying to tell us how the language is changing within' time thanks to people that speak english as a second language, the combination of their first language wether it's chinese, spanish, arabic, japanese, it will     make some changes on their english, pronounciation, grammar mistakes and even new words, thats why language is changing along with the time. However there will always be ignorant people, close-minded that will think that this variations are bad, but as the sociolinguistics say it's an improve.

The author is using an objective tone, giving clear example of the language variations seen in Canada, this text is non-fiction published by Toronto Star.

Ebonics and language variation


This class we saw the ebonics which was a Language variation used by afro-american people, this was based on different pronounciation, words not being finished and the implemention of new words. The word ebonic comes from Ebony (term used to refer to afro-americans) and Phonics -> Ebonics,

The ebonics were implemented for 1 year on the Oakland School, but it didn't worked so after a year they took the ebonics out from school (they were learning ebonics).

Language Variation

In my opinion language variation is very important, why? well because it's the way that other communities express themselves with a second language they use which can provide certain variations, mispronunciations, etc. for example ebonics, as english is the 'world wide' language it's pretty important to know it well, but it's a hard task to do perfectly so the variations will always be present.

Online Communities

1.- What is the issue with identity on the Internet?

Well the main issue is that people can stole your identity and make you look bad to the rest of the world, or friends, for example someones uses your name on facebook and this guy sends message's to your friends saying stupidity's or whatever.

2.- Can you be anyone you want on the Internet?

Technically you can, you can pretend to be anything even an animal if you want (i know it sounds stupid but it's true.) however people can identify where do you come from by the way you speak, with the Language variations.

3.- Can you be identified by your use of Language?

Yes, you can usually people say you're "mexican" if you have some misspells on your writting or on your pronunciation, but they will never know who you're unless that person is a hacker.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Reading comprehension activity: Chicano english and Spanglish.

This class we had to analyse a text given by Miss Veronica, in which we had to tell the Theme, Topic, Main Idea, Source, Target Audience, Author's Purpouse, Genre, Tone, Register, Jargon & Argot. This was a preparation for our test we had on friday 25, it was a hard activity which involved a lot of reading of course and critical thinking, the theme was language itself, the topic was indian's english, and the main idea is how their english is helping the english community, the target audience was everyone interested on the topic, the purpouse of the authors was to inform, the genre was non fiction, the tone i think it was Objective but i wasn't sure, the register was formal. This activity made the test a really easy one, in my opinion it helped us alot along with the help of Sir Alfredo and Miss Veronica.

Language and Knowledge

This class we had to make an oral presentation, my presentation, our group choosed the courtroom, me as the accused of multiple murder, Rodrigo Jeria as the lawyer1, Javier Elgueta as lawyer2 and Matias Weitz as the Judge, it was a really fun activity to do but I must say that some groups didnt really take it seriously and their presentation was made for making us laugh which made it even a funnier class. Our presentation was good it said that I had a evil twin and that I didnt commit any murder because i was helping the Haiti chilean's army, it was a complex situation haha.

Language and Cultural Context

Does the language pronunciation change in the cultural context?

Yes it does for example a person from the south will use different kind of words to express themselves than someone from the north, like for example the word "cuca" which refers to a cop's car, but here we just say "paco" or whatever, it is concidered slang. However this depends on the social context, but there's also the keywords which are used in different ways likeon scientific language.

British weeks and Holidays

Before going to the holidays we had the british week on our school with multiple activities such as Valparaiso trip which i was not able to go because I experimented that experience last year, it's really fun and people that haven't went to the trip should go, also there were some competitions such as the stapplecheese, public speaking which was really fun and a nice activity to see our speaking skills. Aswell the half of our english level went to the new zealand trip so the class was really calmed and made listening easier.

Our holidays were great and now we're back on working as we have to.

11 Languages Speaker

This class we saw a video about a guy who spoke 11 languages and we answered some questions.

1) How many Languages does Alex Speak?
Alex Speaks 11 languages including: spanish, greek, french, russian, hesbrew, afrikann, english, dutch, german, serbic and some more.

2) Does context help in the process of acquiring a new Language?
Yes, because he travels alot and learns more from listening than writting.

3) Are there any languages that have similar pronunciation?
Yes, such as spanish and italian, russian and serbic, afrikann and greek and spanish and greek.

4) Which of the languages spoken by Alex seems more Colloquial?
English, because is the world's most used language and it's spoken in england but we dont see someone speaking Afrikann everyday.

5) Is class a more important factor in language variation than geography?
I totally disagree with this question, geography is the most important factor on language variation because it determines how we are going to pronunciate each word. and class would make the difference bettween jargon and slang.

6) Do you think the ability to learn a language is innate or learned?
Language is learned because we can listen to other languages frequently but if someone doesnt tell us what a word mean we wont have an idea.

7) According to you, are some languages more or less difficult to learn than others? Talk about your own experience.
Yes, think about this if we know spanish learning english is going down a stair but learning chinese is going up a stair (harder)

Slang & Jargon

When people communicate they usually use some special language to refer for certain things, the most common example is Doctors why? well because when they talk about work they will use technical words that talk about diseases, etc. This is called Jargon this type of Language is accepted by the society because it inquires high culture, there are three specific Jargon Language: Language in Sports, Scientific Language and Legal Language.

But theres also the Slang which is informal and it's used by communities on informal cases such as Twitter and Facebook chats, a good example of slang would be the word Swag which is used by Gangsters, rappers, etc. It talks about putting your "bling" on.

Debate!: eBooks vs Paper books

Some weeks ago we had to debate about the books, in my case I had to support the motion on eBooks with Matias Urzua, the problem was that we were the last group in debating so our debate was cut because of the bell.

My first two arguments were: "More ecological way of reading" and "Easier to find and get the eBooks".
the debate developed very well, we totally agreed that we need paper books because of the price of them, but we also need an easier way of reading which would be reading on the iPad, Tablet, etc. And it's more ecological because we dont have to cut trees off. Aswell we just need Internet connection and we can get them without leaving our chair.

The against motion said: the following counter arguments, eBooks need internet so they can be stollen, and if you go camping and ran out of battery you'll not be able to read, also that you can plant trees on forests, and that the gobernment buys books not eBooks.

Well the debate was really good and developed well but sadly we weren't able to finish next class.