Saturday, June 23, 2012

11 Languages Speaker

This class we saw a video about a guy who spoke 11 languages and we answered some questions.

1) How many Languages does Alex Speak?
Alex Speaks 11 languages including: spanish, greek, french, russian, hesbrew, afrikann, english, dutch, german, serbic and some more.

2) Does context help in the process of acquiring a new Language?
Yes, because he travels alot and learns more from listening than writting.

3) Are there any languages that have similar pronunciation?
Yes, such as spanish and italian, russian and serbic, afrikann and greek and spanish and greek.

4) Which of the languages spoken by Alex seems more Colloquial?
English, because is the world's most used language and it's spoken in england but we dont see someone speaking Afrikann everyday.

5) Is class a more important factor in language variation than geography?
I totally disagree with this question, geography is the most important factor on language variation because it determines how we are going to pronunciate each word. and class would make the difference bettween jargon and slang.

6) Do you think the ability to learn a language is innate or learned?
Language is learned because we can listen to other languages frequently but if someone doesnt tell us what a word mean we wont have an idea.

7) According to you, are some languages more or less difficult to learn than others? Talk about your own experience.
Yes, think about this if we know spanish learning english is going down a stair but learning chinese is going up a stair (harder)

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