Saturday, June 23, 2012

Reading comprehension activity: Chicano english and Spanglish.

This class we had to analyse a text given by Miss Veronica, in which we had to tell the Theme, Topic, Main Idea, Source, Target Audience, Author's Purpouse, Genre, Tone, Register, Jargon & Argot. This was a preparation for our test we had on friday 25, it was a hard activity which involved a lot of reading of course and critical thinking, the theme was language itself, the topic was indian's english, and the main idea is how their english is helping the english community, the target audience was everyone interested on the topic, the purpouse of the authors was to inform, the genre was non fiction, the tone i think it was Objective but i wasn't sure, the register was formal. This activity made the test a really easy one, in my opinion it helped us alot along with the help of Sir Alfredo and Miss Veronica.

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