Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ebonics and language variation


This class we saw the ebonics which was a Language variation used by afro-american people, this was based on different pronounciation, words not being finished and the implemention of new words. The word ebonic comes from Ebony (term used to refer to afro-americans) and Phonics -> Ebonics,

The ebonics were implemented for 1 year on the Oakland School, but it didn't worked so after a year they took the ebonics out from school (they were learning ebonics).

Language Variation

In my opinion language variation is very important, why? well because it's the way that other communities express themselves with a second language they use which can provide certain variations, mispronunciations, etc. for example ebonics, as english is the 'world wide' language it's pretty important to know it well, but it's a hard task to do perfectly so the variations will always be present.

Online Communities

1.- What is the issue with identity on the Internet?

Well the main issue is that people can stole your identity and make you look bad to the rest of the world, or friends, for example someones uses your name on facebook and this guy sends message's to your friends saying stupidity's or whatever.

2.- Can you be anyone you want on the Internet?

Technically you can, you can pretend to be anything even an animal if you want (i know it sounds stupid but it's true.) however people can identify where do you come from by the way you speak, with the Language variations.

3.- Can you be identified by your use of Language?

Yes, you can usually people say you're "mexican" if you have some misspells on your writting or on your pronunciation, but they will never know who you're unless that person is a hacker.

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