Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fatelessness Chapter 2 Analysis

The author wrote this piece to:  

Tell us how Gerge's life changes when his father has to leave to the labour camp. It shows us the transition from being a child without responsibilities to a man, who has to take charge of the family shop and take care of his stepmother. 

Protagonist: Georg Koves.
Antagonist: Nazi Regime.
Static Characters: Mr Sütó.
Dynamic Characters: Georg, Annamarie. 

Did the author use any special literary devices in this selection? such as: personification, metaphor, simile, foreshadowing, suspense, flashback, imagery, humour, poetic sound devices such as rhyme, etc. List and give specific examples. Yes, he used flashback to introduce Annamarie to us. This device is use to show how Annamarie's life was before. What was the author's "tone" towards the subject/person/idea he/she wrote about? The author is using an objective tone, just discribing how everything was running in those hard days without Georg's father.

List the conflicts in this section (internal and/or external)

External: Georg and Annamarie's older sister, "Still, there was something in her line of thought that somehow exasperated me; in my opinion, it's all a lot simpler", they are discussing because they have different opinions about why people hate Jews, and why they're supposed to be different.

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