Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Woman Emancipation

1) What degrees of emancipation and/or conservative reinforcement of 18th-Century family values does Elizabeth Bennet's marriage to Mr. Darcy support?

Well she follows the ideology that she should marry a rich guy from a well known family, also getting married was one of the family values.

2) What attitudes to marriage does 'Pride and Prejudice' convey? What other options did Elizabeth Bennet have?

It doesnt really give any good attitude from marriage, just the normal ones that were seen in XVIII century, getting married was the only option, otherwise you wouldn't have any pride.

3) How does the introduction made by Vivien Jones affect your reading and approach to the novel?

It let us know more about the context of production and giving us enough information to "hook" us into the novel.

4) How could the social circumstances and contexts of 'Pride and   apply to different cultures and contexts today?

It could apply on certain cultures such as the Musulman culture which the woman is technically seen as an object, just like marriage in those times.

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