Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fatelessness Review

1. Which perspective (positive or negative) does the author of the review have towards Fatelessness? Provide evidence.

He takes a positive position after all since, the author seems to like the book, the way that the characters deal with their problems and everything, and mainly because he said: "In Fatelessness the writer elevates this form to another level".

2. According to the review, in which ways does Fatelessness make readers empathize with the main character of the story?

We would ask ourselves what we would do in a situation like this, to be forced to be somewhere you really dont wanna be with no chance of escaping, asking  what's gonna happen...

3. In the second paragraph of this review, we are presented the plot of the story. Is this enough information to engage you as a reader? Does it provide an effective invitation to read "Fatelessness"? Justify.

I think it gives way too much details, like telling how the book will end, that's just a way of making myself not able to enjoy a novel, as theres no adventure because you know how it'll end anyways.

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